About us
When travelling from town to town, “Doing the lap” we wanted to see and visit the most important things ein that area, you know the things that when you are sitting around the campfire talking about places that you have been and someone asks if you went to/saw something at a town, wouldn’t it be good if you had. We try and find those places and list them. I am very happy for your input as well.
This is not for commercial benefit, so we list the freebies as well, like the town walk etc.
I am not a web site designer or a photographer, just a hack looking for information that would be good to know when travelling. So this site is for my personal benefit and I hope others find it to their benefit as well.
I am not here to re-invent the wheel, so I will link to other sites that already have the information that I am looking for and if I can convince them to add all the information in an easy to find logical format then I will use their site and stop spending my time here.
PS, I have not made the contact us page to work so for the moment my email address is its.michael.warnock@gmail.com and yes I am happy to hear anything constructive.